Art of dumpling making with a side of history

Art of dumpling making with a side of history

Chef-instructor Jean Tse was thrilled to share her culture, traditions and history in Chinese cooking with Plate Nextdoor participants at Station Landing Apartments in Medford, Massachusetts.

Chef-instructor Jean Tse is a Chinese American immigrant who has lived in the United States for over 26 years.

She is a resident of Westborough, Mass., and is a mother of two girls. She has worked for corporate companies in the past 17 years as a graphic designer.

However, her passion for cooking always left a void in her professional career. She felt her kitchen is her studio where she can create her art. She was ecstatic to be a part of Plate Nextdoor community to host culinary experiences to share her culture, traditions and history behind Chinese cooking.


Plate Nextdoor provided her dream platform to share her passion with 25 people at Station Landing Apartment in Medford, Mass.

We are looking for passionate home cooks or aspiring chefs to join us in building stronger communities. 

Email for more information.

[By: Supriya Shekar, Co-founder, Plate Nextdoor; June 4, 2008]